Thursday, November 29, 2007

Word Play

Tonight's post will be brief, since there's a Packers-Cowboys game on...the first Packers-Cowboys game to actually mean something to the season in quite some time. Brings back old memories. Old, bitter memories.

So, just a quick recap of some of Nora's new words:

Peez - please

Des - this

Miiiine - obvious. This is aimed at anything and everything she wants that we dare to keep from her pudgy little hands.

Ohie - Owen; not to be confused with "owie" which means, uh, either that she's hurt or she doesn't like something. It's a subtle distinction.

Boopbaw - football

YEE-AH! - yes. Mere words can't do justice to how cute this one is. "Want some milk, Nora?" "Yee-ah!" she says like you've just offered her the most exciting thing ever.

Appow - apple; though it also, apparently, means banana.

Outide - outside; this was used quite a bit over the Thanksgiving break. Then, after about 10 minutes outside, and refusing to keep mittens on despite the biting wind, she'd be walking toward the door, wanting to go in. This repeated every half hour or so.

Go gak - go Pack, uttered tonight before the game. That's my girl!

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