Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It was bound to happen.

When I'm mad, all my efforts to be careful about language seem to go out the window, and, unfortunately, the f-word happens to be my old standby for venting frustration. I've tried alternatives like fudge or fiddlesticks...they do nothing. So, this morning, Owen said it. Specifically, he said "you're a fucker pants" and I knew immediately the time had come for momma to really start watching her dirty ole' potty mouth.

Now, I think he does get points for creativity. The "pants" part was his invention, since I've never uttered that exact phrase (although perhaps when I was 4...). He probably heard smarty pants or something similar at school and just did a little editing.

So, is that a silver lining? Creative potty mouth?


Slomack said...

Ha! But who did he say it to?!

Amy said...

I am TOTALLY dying right now. That is awesome.

First visit to your blog -- very nice! We need to be in touch soon...

Stacy said...

He is creative. He's going to be so artistic! I love it!