Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Day After

Well, I'm happy that I still have an unbroken posting streak this month, even though the title of last night's post may have been a little too literal. But hey, sitting in a friend's kitchen and typing while also carrying on a conversation kinda sucks the attention away from details like, oh, grammar and spelling and thinking too long about an appropriate title.

Come to think of it, holiday weekends must suck the attention away from blogging in general, since I'm not feeling especially prolific today either.

We're back in Milwaukee after about 2-1/2 days away from home. It was a nice break, and the kids certainly had fun, but it is always nice to be home. I sometimes wish we didn't have to travel for every single holiday, that it would be relaxing to have 4 or 5 days at home just the four of us. But, this is the life we've chosen by living where we do -- close enough to visit for every holiday, but not close enough for any of the travel to be simple day trips. Honestly, I think we're so used to it that when we don't travel for a month, I get a little antsy. It's become a regular "activity" for us the way camping or canoeing might be for other people.

Well, tomorrow's a big day. WE'RE PAINTING THE BATHROOM. Those of you familiar with our renovation saga will understand why I felt the need to go a little overboard with the capitalization there. It's a huge almost-finished sign to a 3-month-long project. One of these days, I'll have to post about this whole project...but maybe I should really leave that up to my significant other, since it has really been his project.

That's it for tonight, there's a cold Guinness (notice a holiday pattern here?) and a sci-fi geeky movie waiting for me.


AndreaK said...

I know what you're watching...and all I can say is that I wish I were too. we had a LONG family day. Blue Ridge Parkway, reheated leftovers, Beowulf 3D, feed dogs, out for dinner, home for pictures (reviewing trip pics) and finally on the floor of the bedroom, smelling the dog odors, and wishing I were still tipsy and downstairs watching BSG with friends. (it will be a solo event for me sometime this week).

glad you had a good holiday. enjoy your last day!

Slomack said...

Be sure to post your finished bathroom photos--I'm dying to see it! (And I'm so happy for you that it's almost DONE!)