Friday, November 2, 2007


Or, Holy Crap, It's Friday!

This morning, I knew it was Friday because that's the day NPR does their Storycorps piece, which tends to be a fairly intriguing slice of life in the form of regular people interviewing other regular people, usually older relatives. I always enjoy listening to these stories, but it did jar me into the realization that IT'S FRIDAY!

Of course, I already knew it was Friday, I just couldn't believe that yet another week had passed without me
accomplishing X, Y or Z at work. Lately, it's all about deadline, deadline, deadline and big project after big project. Some days, I don't know where to concentrate first.

But hell, in about 15 minutes, I'll leave all of that behind me for a weekend of forgetting all this stuff so I have the energy to do it again next week. Plus, I kinda have the same realization on Sunday nights, except it's about stuff like the coat that's been waiting at the cleaners or the forgotten trip to Trader Joe's. Hmm, maybe I should refer to this post on Saturday night. Note to self: also print out photos from best friend's wedding.

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