Saturday, November 10, 2007

Before Sunrise

It's 4:32 a.m., and why exactly am I posting now? Because I'm insane and can't resist a challenge. See, I read on this other blog I follow that November is National Blog Posting Month, or NoBloPoMo, and the challenge is to post something every day. I thought, heck, what a good way to jump-start my blogging habit! So, we're leaving at 5 to head up to Menomonie -- Jon's shooting a commercial for his cousin's Ford dealership up there and then we're going to his grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary party -- and here I am clickity-clacking while waiting for the coffee to brew. If only I could muster the same commitment for say, exercising.

And, now that I've come out of the closet on this whole posting-every-day thing, I'm going to have to find a way to post from my parents' house over Thanksgiving...using their dial-up connection. Shiver.


Unknown said...

You can do it! I love your site - it's great!

Hettie said...

Thanks, Heidi. You rock!