Monday, November 5, 2007


Random notes on a Monday night:

-I love having two kids. Tonight in the kitchen, we were all sitting on the floor having popsicles and Owen very sweetly offered bites of his to Nora. Later, they were cracking each other up taking turns making V's with their little yogis doing the downward-facing dog, but with much more laughing.

-How is it that a 18-month-old, left alone for 3 minutes, manages to activate some weird setting on the phone handset, one that I have no idea what it is or how to deactivate it? Three minutes!!

-Owen apparently knows the Pledge of Allegiance. He just finished reciting it to me.

-Darth Vader Halloween candy: great package, disappointing treat. You open the Darth helmet to reveal five Runt-like candies, but without the red or pink ones that were always the best flavors (though no bananas, thank goodness).

-Kids can sense medicine and vitamins a mile away. I hand Nora a sippy cup of milk with a little Pediasure (since she hasn't been eating much). She no more than brings it up to her mouth before rejecting it as something foreign, like she's a Pediasure-sniffing dog or something.


Slomack said...

Okay, I'm trying this out to see if I can remember my (apparently secret to me) google identity or not, so's I can leave fun, pity comments on your blog (which I love,'s like having little mini-phone conversations with you every day!). Go Hettie!

Slomack said...

Er, that should be "fun, PITHY" comments...I don't really want to leave pity (or pitiful) comments here...

Hettie said...

I have comments! I have comments! Tee hee.

Though some days, we could all use a little pity, eh?