Sunday, November 25, 2007

Come a Long Way

Sometimes, to remember how far you've come, you need to take a look back at where you've been. The above picture is our bathroom exactly 3 months ago.

Today, we painted it. I never thought painting would be such a milestone, but I've also never been involved with a drywalling project before. So painting is HUGE because it means the cycle of mudding the walls then sanding them smooth, then finding more spots to mud and sand is done. Jon did all of that work, and I think we were both surprised by how long it took. It gives me a whole new respect for my parents, who tore down plaster and lathe, reinsulated and then drywalled...AN ENTIRE HOUSE.

Anyway, here are some pictures. The first one shows the new color and shower tile. There's still some big work to be done -- you know, the sink, a medicine cabinet, real lights -- but I need only look at the second photo to remember how much it has already changed for the better.


Slomack said...


You must be ecstatic!

The color is awesome, but I absolutely love, love, LOVE the colored tile in the shower--gorgeous!

Now, when are you and Jon free to come and redo *my* bathroom? ;-)

Hettie said...

Thanks! It really is nice to have it finally coming together -- so we can start letting go of all the things we'd do differently next time :)

Oh, and how 'bout this, you send your boy up here to paint our house and I'll send mine down there to work on your bathroom. LOL!

Slomack said...


Seriously, though, if you ever have a big painting project you want help with, we'd be glad to come up and help you out.*

*By that, of course, I mean that Michael could help your boy paint, and you and I would be in the kitchen drinking margaritas ;-)

Anonymous said...

HEY!! That ain't any kind of deal!! What gives?

h's boy.

Stacy said...

Wowzer! That's insane. Very modern and cool. Just think how much you helped raise the value of your home!

AndreaK said...

I know firsthand what its like to deal with a torn up bathroom, kitchen, house, you name it. :)

it looks great! it looks both updated and yet in keeping with your house/architecture.

slomack - you need to have a 'bathroom party' :)