Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

Maybe I'm this way every year, but I'm REALLY in the mood for Christmas this year. I was at the mall over lunch and they were hanging a huge, 10-foot-wide wreath above the door, and instead of thinking "ugh," it made me smile. And this from the person who doesn't have a single gift purchased (well, maybe one), has a house to decorate, cards to fret over, etc. etc.

Although it did seem a little early for the mall Santas to be making their appearances, I'm not overly distressed by the amount of holiday lights that are already up in my neighborhood, though it is putting on the pressure to take down our Halloween lights.

So, bring on the carols, the craziness, the Christmas tree needles everywhere. I'm ready for it!

And, since posts are more interesting with photos of the wee ones. Here's a bonus pic from last Christmas. I can't believe how little Nora looks. We'll be lucky if we can get her to sit still long enough for a picture this year.

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Anonymous said...

Yeah... well... it's still early to have Xmas cookies out for sale. I saw some at the Grocery store in the bakery. Who would by them? "Aw...nuthin' washes down a good Thanksgiving meal like a delicious Rudolf Cookie!!"

-El Mysterious Norwegian

Slomack said...

That is such a GREAT picture! Totally sums up Christmas/childhood!

Hope you guys have a great T-Day...looking forward to your post from *shudder* dial up!

AndreaK said...

yeah - have a great Turkey-Day. and i'm sorry it took me so long to find this. i just cleaned out some yahoo emails...i'm serious about people using my gmail account :0)

can I whine here? maybe not. but why didn't you get a lj account instead? or at least get a lj account - you don't have to post nothun' - just use it to get to the GYDGs. because I have a filter for GYDGs and currently, your darling hubby can read it and there will come a day...

Hettie said...

Yeah, I knew I'd get asked about lj, but Blogger was just easier. I did set up an lj account last week though, but haven't had time to figure out how to use it yet. Soon, I will no longer be "anonymous"!

Happy Thanksgiving!