Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Stitch in Time

So last night's PR was interesting. I definitely think the right person got eliminated. That dress was UG-LY. And man, that 21-year-old can sew!! The construction on his piece looked amazing (though I wasn't crazy about that plaid). There are perhaps a few too many with angular hair-dos this season, and people who really are pros. But, the talent definitely is high, which should make it interesting as they get into the more offbeat challenges.

Sigh, my energy/creativity are a bit low tonight, so I'll leave you with this little story:
Jon says he and Nora had an argument about the moon tonight. As they were leaving daycare, she pointed to the sky and said "ball," to which Jon corrected, "moon." Nora paused, and then insisted, "ball." This apparently went back and forth a couple times, each time Nora insisting that no, it's a BALL, daddy. Guess we should be reading her a little more Good Night Moon.


Slomack said...

Ha! We had a similar back and forth...When Rachel was little, we took her to Chuck E Cheese around Halloween. They had little ghosts hanging from the ceiling. She looked up, pointed and said "Flowie!" (Flower). We laughed and said, "No, Ghost."

And so we went back and forth: "Flowie" "Ghost" "Flowie" "Ghost". Ha.

I am so glad you're posting every me something to look forward to!

Hettie said...

Tee, hee. That's cute!

Nora also insists that she's momma. She'll pat herself on the chest and say "momma" and no amount of explaining seems to convince her otherwise. Maybe I should be glad she's not saying Nora yet, since "Nora" is very close to "No!" LOL

Unknown said...

Catching up on ItR :)

a) I really liked that dress. I think it would have been nice if it had been sewn better.

b) My new game to play with little kids is to ask them: are you mom? or are you Owen (in Nora's case)? It is a lot of fun.