Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last night, Jon and I went to go see No Country for Old Men. Our friends Steph and Nate came over to watch the kids. Before they left, Steph told us about something funny Owen said. I guess at bedtime, he told them that they could sleep in our bed -- because they're married -- but when we come home, they'd have to move over. Seems logical, right?

It reminded me of something funny he said a couple weeks ago. We'd lit a candle on the dinner table and he was insistent that we not blow it out. The next morning, he was disappointed that it was out. I told him that we can't leave them on all night because that's dangerous. To which he responded, "but they leave them on at the eyebrow store."
The eyebrow store...ie the salon where I go to get, er, slightly uneyebrowed. He accompanied me once and was pretty enthralled by the place -- candles everywhere, mommy laying on a couch...

Good movie, by the way. Beautifully shot. I'd only heard some of the audio book while Jon was listening to it. So there were some surprises in it for me.


Stacy said...

Where do you go where you get to lay on a couch? Now that's good stuff. Hook me up!

Hettie said...

Yah, except after you lay down, enjoy the soothing aromatherapy and start chatting with the nice woman, the hot wax hits, and then you remember she's going to rip some hair out.
It's even funnier when the woman is asking your son to please not kick her wall. :)