Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snow Day

Today was our first official snow day as the parents of a school-aged kid. Forecasts of freezing rain by mid-day led almost all the area schools to close, even the always-open MPS. I'm home with both kids, even though day care was open. I don't know how those women always get there, but they do. (Seriously, in 4 years, they've never closed due to weather. Must be because a lot of the staff from the hospital across the street take their kids there -- and you know nurses don't get to call in for a snow day.)

So, this is what a snow day looks like at our house.

We've spent the day so far watching videos, coloring and we even did a brief stint outside. Owen, though reluctant, was excited as soon as I mentioned "snowman." Nora was less thrilled. After a few minutes playing with a shovel and some trips down the driveway in the sled, she retired to the porch to watch the activity and enjoy a delicious snowball. She's still at the age when the cold of snow overrides the fun of snow. Next year.

Right now, it looks like the freezing rain will miss us (knock on wood), instead hitting the counties to the south. The air definitely is damp, though, and the snow is falling in these ginormous clumps. I tried to capture it, but you know that a camera in an amateur's hands can't possibly do justice to the beauty of falling snow. It's seriously gorgeous right now (said the woman who's snug at home).


Slomack said...

Actually, I think you did a great job of capturing it--it looks almost like confetti coming down!

Glad you had such a nice, pleasant snow day!! Hope you had some cocoa!

coffeefortwo said...

I'm back at that age where the cold of the snow overrides the fun of it.

I'm glad you clarified about the snow day arrangements, because initially I thought Owen locked Nora outside while he happily lounged around the living room in his pajamas.

AndreaK said...

makes me wish I was about 8 or 9 again. not that I had stay-at-home special snow days, I was home schooled at that point and would spend hours outside in the snow.

Hettie said...

LOL, coffee! Now, that wouldn't have be a fun snow day for me. Though, on the upside, in that scenario at least Owen was considerate enough to put his sister in a coat and hat before booting her out the door.

No cocoa, but Owen and I did attempt to make lefse. Let's just say it's not a good activity for a 4-year-old. We won't be trying that again. He did look dern cute in that Cakers apron though!

So, Andrea, I guess snow days for you just meant more kids around to play with -- or to mess with your personal snow piles :)