Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Christmas After All

Wow. I sure do get lazy about writing without a post-a-day challenge to meet.

Christmas has officially hit our household. We went and picked out a tree on Saturday. That part of the day went fine. What preceded it was one of those yelling, crying trips to the a really crowded Fleet Farm, a store that is A) far away and B) really cramped and C) a place I don't know my way around at all. At one point, while Jon was trying on snow pants (the whole reason for our trip) I was looking for some spare boots for Nora with both kids in my cart...and they were BOTH crying. Sigh. Luckily, everyone there was super-nice. We got wished a happy holidays by two separate people (one, a fellow redhead who stopped to comment on the kids' hair). But, t
hose kinds of days happen. Jon got his snow pants, which kept him nice and toasty today while sitting at a Packers game in 15-degree weather.

So yes, the whole point of that story was that we got our tree, which I -- once again -- thought was too small and too short as Jon loaded it onto the van, but -- once again -- was just perfect and not too small at all once it standing in our
tiny little living room. Owen had remembered that last year we put the lights on the tree while he was napping and he woke up to a lit tree. So this year, he ASKED to take a nap. That lasted about 45 minutes, and then he was antsy and ready to come downstairs. Nora woke up, too, since she'd cat-napped in the van. She was enthralled with the tree when she first saw it, and stared at it like she couldn't figure out what to make of it, and Owen just giddily ran up to it, and then proceeded to ask me which ornaments he could remove.

Today, since Jon was at the game, I decorated the rest of the house while Nora napped, and added a bit to the outdoor decorations, too. I do like getting out all the decorations. Somehow it makes the place feel all warm and cozy. It also means I have to get rid of all the clutter, so everything that's out suddenly feels purposeful. Owen "decorated," too, by putting up new things on his bulletin board in the kitchen. We wore the funny Christmas headbands my mom got one year. After Nora woke up, we ate snack in the living room and cuddled up on the couch to watch Shrek the Halls. AND the Packers won. So all in all, it was a nice afternoon.

1 comment:

Slomack said...

LOVE the antlers around the neck!

Sounds like you had a good time (and your tree looks awesome!). We decorated our (artificial) tree on Friday night. Gretel is mostly disinterested in it, but we do have to put the "non-breakables" on the lower half of the tree, because if she gets to shaking her toys (or wagging her tail), she could easily decimate the whole thing!