Sunday, February 24, 2008

Five for Five

So, for the first time since 2002, I've seen all five of the Best Picture Oscar nominees, thanks to a wonderfully generous friend for baby-sitting last night AND pointing out that Michael Clayton was available on pay per view. So, while Owen amused himself for 2 hours this afternoon -- seeing how many pieces of gum he could chew at once (7), doing somersaults on the couch and discovering that Mommy doesn't like it when crayon gets on the rug -- we checked off number 5 on our list. The crayon is a small price to pay, I figure.

While looking back at previous year's nominees, I realized there were many years, even in my movie-going heyday, when I didn't see all five. For instance, 2003's Master and Commander, or 2000's Gladiator. Heck, in 1999, when I had no excuse not to see movies, I missed The Green Mile, The Insider and The Sixth Sense. Course, back then, I saw movies I wanted to see, not just because they were on some list.

Oh, and apparently I have something against Russell Crowe. The last movie I saw him in was L.A. Confidential...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Russell's not very friendly. He figures he doesn't have to be...and he doesn't. But it tarnishes his "good guy" reputation.