Thursday, February 21, 2008

10 Random Things

I'm trying to get back to posting more often, but don't always have a good topic to fill out. So, in the spirit of frequency and brevity, I give you 10 Random Things.

1. Orbit's mint mojito gum is surprisingly delicious. Very much like a mojito, but with breath-freshening capabilities and no rum buzz.

2. Bruised my behind falling down a couple of our stairs yesterday (slippery wintertime stairs suck). Seems to be an annual occurrence, but this time I happened to be holding Nora, who is totally fine, by the way, and said of the incident "fa down?"

3. I felt like I was cramming for a test on Tuesday, except, sadly, I was cramming to vote. I usually know just who I'm going to vote for come primary time, but in what has become a two-way race, I felt I needed to pick one of the leading two candidates, rather than casting my vote for a guy who's closer to my real beliefs but has no shot of ever winning and who's also dropped out.

4. What was up with Heidi Klum's bangs on last night's Project Runway reunion?! You could barely see her eyes. It would drive me insane to have hair in my eyes like that. Guess she's used to suffering for fashion. (And also, when did Rami and Chris so frickin' chummy?)

5. There's a bunch of office shuffling going on at work and I realized that I'm the only one in my corner of the building (16 people) who has never moved their office. And this month, I turned down an opportunity to move next door to one that's slightly bigger and has a better paint job, but I said no because the thought of moving all my crap...well, no thanks. I'll take the cramped office and dingy walls, thank you.

6. I'm currently debating whether or not I should get bangs during my next hair cut. Discuss.

7. Nora makes the appropriate sounds when reading books that involve the following characters:
Guess who taught her that last one?

8. I've become very tied to my morning coffee rituals. I love the smell of making it. Love that first cup. Love sitting down at my desk and pouring my second cup. Love discovering that I still have more in my thermos (I often forget if I've used it all). And I get upset when I have to be away from a freshly poured cup long enough that it cools down. Microwaving it is never the same. I heart coffee.

9. I feel like I'm jinxing this for even posting it, but if we're able to get a certain movie at the rental place this week and also keep our plans to see another certain movie at the theater this weekend, it will be the first time since I've had children that I will have seen all five best picture nominees. This is a big deal for me.

10. Last night on the way home, Owen ate an apple that was leftover from my lunch. When we were almost home, he handed it to me and said I could finish the last couple of bites. Sounds like a nice sharing moment, but mostly I think it was his sneaky way of getting out of holding the core of a mostly eaten apple.


Amy said...

You will regret the bangs -- so much more maintenance.

As for the movies -- I am guessing you are renting "Michael Clayton" and seeing "There Will Be Blood." Just a random guess as those are the two I have left as well and am trying really hard to see them this weekend!

Stacy said...

I had a real bang for years and was so glad to get rid of them. They are so hard to grow out. A nice side sweep bang would work for you, though.

In regards to voting, you weren't an Edwards fan were you? I love him. I keep hoping he'll join up to run for VP.

I'm so impressed with all the movies you've seen. And I'm jealous.

Good Random Things post.

Hettie said...

Yah, I think everyone's talked me out of "real" bangs. I've gotten the almost-bangs before where they're long and's just that I look down a lot (between working at a desk and short kids), so they were always in my eyes. Maybe I'm just waaaay overdue for a haircut.

And, yup, you guessed the movies right, Amy. Though we realized last night that Michael Clayton also is on pay per view so our multiple trips to the video store weren't necessary. Duh. Saw TWBB last night. Wow!

Actually, I voted for Edwards 4 years ago, but this year I was hoping to vote for Kucinich.