Wednesday, January 9, 2008

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I thought I'd share a scene from our house tonight.

I walked past our playroom just now and here is what I saw:

Owen was playing Wii...while
standing on a step stool. And he wasn't even playing a game, he's editing his sister's "person" and giggling ("look at how fat she is, mommy!")
Nora, wearing one of her brother's shirts around her waist (like she pulled the neck over her head and kept right on going), was trying on a Santa hat, pulling it over her eyes and then stumbling around.

Oh, and now she's also clomping around in her winter boots.

The joys.


Slomack said...

Just think how funny they're going to be when they start drinking!

(You know, in 16+ years! I have visions of you and Nora doing a great three-legged walk together...perhaps while singing "Be Our Guest!")


Stacy said...

Let's here about the Packers game Hettie!

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