Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fight the Power

My daughter's fight for independence has begun.

We hear a lot of "noooo" or "mine" or "I, I, I" these days. All of which, I believe, loosely translate to "stop what you are doing, parental figure, and hand over that shoe, diaper, knife or whatever else it is that you a trying in vain to help me with."

Although I'm not a fan of fighting her over trying to get dressed, because really, that struggle just results in a process that takes three. times. longer. AND is accompanied by delightful kicking and screaming. But, I sometimes wonder if I regard her assertions of independence differently than I did with Owen. Because while witnessing these outbursts, part of me secretly thinks, you go, girl.

Now, maybe this is also because she's my second...and this whole attitude thing is just starting...or maybe even because I had a boy first, but I feel much more calm about her trying to do things for herself, because, well, I want her to grow into an independent-minded woman. It also helps that she is -- so far -- easily redirected to forget, for instance, that she really, really wanted to eat that purple marker. (Oh ya, another fun part about the second child -- you can't keep things like markers under wraps until they're old enough. If big brother has them, so does little sister. Thank you to the nice people at Crayola for washable markers.)

And, with that, I'll sign off with a photo from earlier this evening. Nora found and
inexpensive alternative to lipstick while Jon and I were talking in the other room. Pretty good at staying within the lines, don't you think?


Stacy said...

Oh my. There is no doubt about it. That girl looks exactly like you in that picture.

I hear you about being secretly happy to have an independent girl. Just wait until our independent girls get to be teenagers, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

What's most telling about that picture? It's the fine sink that she is leaning on. I love that sink...

Jonny Jam

Unknown said...

the color coordinates well with her top - she is sassy and fashionable!

You go Nora!

Amy said...

Don'tchya know, purple is the new black? All the rage this year!