Sunday, January 27, 2008

All About Owen

So, a couple weeks back, Owen was the "special person of the week" in his class. And here is the questionnaire that we filled out, to be displayed with his photos, artwork and such. I'll call it, Snapshot of Owen at Age Almost 5.

My favorite color is: red.
My favorite book is: The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear. (And yes, that's the title of one book.)
My favorite TV program is: SpongeBob Squarepants.
My favorite sport is: baseball.
When I grow up, I want to be: work on a computer. (His original answer was to work at McDonald's, but I talked him out of it by explaining he could do that when he's a teenager before he grows up. He seemed disappointed.)
I'm special because: I can count to 100, I can jump really high and I have red hair.
The place I'd most like to visit is: home. (OK, that one tugged at my heartstrings.)
My favorite food is: macaroni and cheese.
One thing I really want to learn is: how to make rainbows.
The best thing about me is: I know my numbers.
The people in my family are: Mommy, Daddy and Nora.
I have a pet: two cats.
My best friend is: Matthew (another heartstring-tugger...his first answer was Mommy.)
The person I most admire is: Daddy.
My favorite subject in school is: learning letters.

So there you have it, a peek into the psyche of Owen, the almost 5-year-old. A couple of these questions were a little above him, I think. I mean, how many of us could quickly answer the question, "I'm special because..."? So, there was a little baiting involved for those.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

This stuff is priceless. It's so fun to see Owen growing. It's like a preview of where Jack will be in a year. It's so cool that he can count to 100!