Monday, December 29, 2008

Time Warp

I only have a couple minutes to post, partly because of this first thing. I'll post about all of our Christmas adventures soon.

I've noticed this phenomenon that affects the passage of time, yet seems to occur only on weekends and vacation days. The morning hours seem long and luxurious while the afternoon hours gobysofastthatohmygodhowisit4:00already?! Have you ever noticed that, too?

And, ugh, while I appreciate that modern grocery store chains are trying to help the hapless parent shopper, the creation of kid-size carts (i.e. weapons to crash into shelves, other shoppers, little sisters) and "car carts" (i.e. an enclosed space where children are virtually guaranteed to push and shove and disagree over who has the better steering wheel) seem to just be creating new and exciting ways for kids to run wild in the grocery store instead of solving the problem. If they were smart, they'd start stocking mini bottles of liquor next to the candy and gum, because some days, mommy needs a treat after shopping, too.


Amy said...

Someone (read: Grandma) let Jack push a little cart at our local store a few weeks ago and now he howls when I won't do the same. I am a mean mommy. But man, little liquor bottles by the checkouts? Yes please! That kinda reminds me of drunken grocery shopping in college. Ahhh, memories...

Slomack said...

Uh, do they have to be *little* bottles? And do I have to have a kid to be frazzled enough by the grocery store to have one? ;-)

Stacy said...

I hear ya. I think you're a brave woman for doing that. Earlier this week, I hit that grocery store with the built-in childcare area. Every store should have that! (Though every once in a while Jack will decide he doesn't want to go and play, so it ruins the plan.)