Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The kids have been playing together nicely for the past several hours. I'm wondering if that means a huge spat is imminent.

A little bit ago, they were serving me hot chocolate, milk and pancakes using the dishes and cups Nora received from this past weekend's family gift exchange. Then they were putting Nora's doll down for a nap (and telling me to "shush"). Right now they've moved on to singing Jingle Bells, and from what I can tell, Owen is directing Nora to spin around to the music. Before that, I overheard them counting the days on the advent calendar and celebrating that tomorrow they'll be opening presents. (I told Owen we'd asked Santa to come a day early since we'll be at Grandma and Grandpa's on Christmas, to which he responded "how did you call Santa?")

At times, they can be so loving and helpful toward one another, and I love listening to the two of them interact. Course, at other times, like yesterday on the drive home from Illinois, they were purposefully irritating each other. Siblings....

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