Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sand, Sun and Goats

The last two days have been the sun.

Yesterday was the beach. They've really cleaned it up this year. The sand was nice, the water warmish and no fish stink :) AND great tacos at the snack shop. A hit all around.

Today we went to State Fair. Nora was old enough for some of the rides (though we had to ignore the height requirements since she still was 2 inches too one was checking), so they had fun doing that together. Owen just loves doing stuff with his little sister. He really didn't want to go on any rides without her.

A new feature this year: Petting Zoo! I was apprehensive at first, but they both liked attempting to feed the goats (and camels!). Some of those poor goats just wanted to rest, though. They'd had their fill of dry pellet food. A couple of them did try to sample the straps on our stroller. My favorite part were the three or four turtles that were lurking around.

And since this IS vacation, we've also done our fair share of just plain layin' around...(Or is it lying? Heck, I don't care. I'm not at work, don't need to be grammatical)


Amy said...

I do love me some State Fair! Hope you had a cream puff. And of course, a baked potato!

Looks like an awesome vacation. Although I must admit, petting zoos scare the crap out of me. I always think a goat will either knock me (or one of the kids) down or give us all eColi.

Stacy said...

I love when kiddos look out for each other and want to do stuff together. So cute with them reading.

Slomack said...

Best Vacation Photos EVER! Love the photo of them in the car together...SO cute!

And you can tell *I'm* not a parent...I heart petting zoos (but only because I'm usually not in danger of getting knocked over by the animals. Although there are some pretty aggressive goats at one in Cedar Point, OH!)