Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Bird in Hand...

Today I held a hummingbird. This is a young black-chinned male hummingbird, or maybe it was a female, I forget. I do know that I'd just watched it and about 2 dozen others get banded.

Tomorrow is a morning of visiting bird feeders in various canyons, and then it's my travel home day. I expect to get back around 1 a.m. (knock on wood given my recent airport lack of luck).

And, a correction to yesterday's post. The hummingbird in the picture actually is a broad-billed (though that makes a boring title compared to a magnificent). It's one of only two hummingbirds in the U.S. with red bills; the other is the rare to the U.S. violet-crowned, which I also saw today...and got a very blurry photo. You can just barely see it's namesake purple head.


Slomack said...

Yes, yes, you holding a humming bird is wonderful and all...but I really want to know about your HAT! It's awesome! Where did you get it?


Stacy said...

That is a great picture of you! Can't wait to hear the details.