Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It's 10:45 here and we've only just gotten back to the hotel for the night (we were out watching BATS of all things), so I'll just quickly post my favorite photo from today.

This is a magnificent hummingbird, one of the larger species (as in, weighs more than 1 oz., and is only found in the Southwest). Beautiful birds; aptly named.

Though the quality isn't what I would have hoped -- the sunlight I needed to light up his feathers also burned out the top of his head -- I did "stalk" this feeder for a good 20 minutes trying to get a good shot of him as he whizzed from feeder to feeder. I'm just pleased his green and blue feathers showed up (he also has purple on top of his head that you can't see).


Stacy said...

I'm copying out your postings and photos and sharing them with S & K. They're asking about you and how you're doing. It's cool to hear the stories and see the photos.

Hettie said...

You can give them my blog address if you want. Though Wed night's post will be my last from the road :)

Hope all is well.