Friday, March 21, 2008

I Can Only Be Hopeful

I have the next week off and I choose to ignore any bad signs I'm seeing today, such as...

- It's the second day of spring and it's currently snowing. There's already a good 3-4 inches out there and cold weather is predicted for the next few days. But, I can only be hopeful that the 40s forecast for Tuesday will be the start of a warmer week so we can get outside and have some fun.

- The kids started fighting almost as soon as Nora woke up. They both wanted the coveted singing Nemo book. I took it away to restore order. I can only be hopeful that they won't be at each other's throats all week.

- They're both coughing this morning. I can only be hopeful that it won't get worse and I won't have two sick kids.

- I ate about a dozen pieces of Easter candy last night. I can only be hopeful that I develop a sudden allergy to chocolate so I don't have to rely on my weak willpower to stick to my diet. :)

I guess I really don't have much I can complain about. I'm on vacation with my kids for 10 days, we're seeing family tomorrow, coloring eggs today (and shoveling snow, apparently) and I have a whole week of no morning alarm to look forward to. Sounds pretty hopeful.


Stacy said...

Yeah, I'm jealous. If it would make you feel better, I could call you every morning when I get into work so you don't feel left out. :)

Amy said...

I am also hoping it warms up! Enjoy your vacation... they can always run around in the mall if it's crappy!