Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day Three

Today, I infiltrated enemy lines -- storytime at the public library. This usually is the territory of stay-at-home moms, given the Wednesday at 10 a.m. timing. I saw a couple of women who seemed nice, but since next week Owen will be back at school and I'll be back at work, I didn't put too much effort into making small talk. So, beyond comparing that Mom A had a son Rowan to my Owen, that was about it. Though I did want to compliment Mom B on her t-shirt, emblazoned with the logo of the new independent radio station here in Milwaukee. Seriously, are all stay-at-home moms this cool? Or just the ones who hang out at the Milwaukee Public Library?

After spending a couple of hours in the children's section of the library (which, by the way, was wonderfully furnished with a climbing castle, puppet theater, train set and Lego table), we walked down the front steps to meet Jon for lunch, since he works only a few blocks from there. So, a nice morning, though I had to chase mischievous Nora around the book shelves a little more than I would have liked, and remind Owen that yelling at his sister to be quiet in the library kinda misses the point.

And, as an aside, it has been a long while since I last set foot in that library. The parking is atrocious, so I tend to frequent the suburban libraries, but the building is just spectacular. Stepping into the library's main foyer is like being somewhere in the state Capitol building, what with the columns and molding and lighted dome. They really knew how to build shrines to books 100 years ago.


Stacy said...

You get those cool moms because you were downtown. They wouldn't have been nearly as cool in the burbs. :)

I haven't been to that library in a loooong time. Now I have the itch to go back.

Slomack said...

I miss that library! But not the're dead on about that!

But how cool to be able to give your kids MY favorite childhood memory...library time with Mom! We never did story time (or had cool stuff to climb on), but I was saddened the day they moved the Point library all the same...the new one never quite felt like "THE" library to me...

Amy said...

I am so over the library story time at my local branch in Chicago. It's all nannies and Jack hated it and always asked to leave. So we stopped going.

But the part about Owen yelling to be quiet made me laugh!

Hettie said...

stacy - oh ya, downtown moms :) They probably live in hip Third Ward condos, too.

slomack - I L-O-V-E-D that library, and remember well going there with my mom and brother and coming home with armloads of books. And I'm with you, the new one never felt like the library to me, either.

amy - I could totally see getting sick of story time. Being Milwaukee, though, no nannies, but there were two day care classes :)