Friday, May 2, 2008

Count von Count

So, Nora has started counting. Or at least making attempts at counting. I doubt she has any concept what it means, but it is pretty cute. Tonight at supper, 1-10 went something like this: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, boop, baa!" Course, you have to imagine these in the toddler accent of "twee, foe, fie..." Not sure how the 14 got in there. Probably the result of having an older brother who is an incessant counter.

We're heading up to my parents' house for the weekend, celebrating a dual birthday party tomorrow -- Nora turns 2 on Sunday, and my mom will be 60 on Tuesday. It'll be fun (and even better that I'm not cooking or cleaning for a party). I asked Owen if he wanted to give his sister a present, and he suggested balloons, which, oddly, are HIS favorite, too. Hmmm.


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Nora!

We have lots of counting going on at our house too and it cracks me up every single time. Mostly, we get an extra nine thrown in randomly because it's his fav.

Stacy said...

I love how kids develop. You can almost pinpoint stuff like counting to the exact month! And their little accents are priceless. Those are the things that I'll miss as my kids get older. Complete sentences are totally overrated.