Saturday, April 19, 2008

Long Time, No Blog

Oh, dear blog, please forgive me for ignoring you these past few weeks. The last month has been a blur of either so-much-to-post-that-I-don't-know-where-to-start OR my-god-is-my-life-really-this-boring? And so, I'm going to dedicate this return post to a quick catch-up. Because there actually were a few cool things that happened in the last month, and that's not even counting my annual participation last weekend in the world's largest trivia contest.

First of all, last month I won this fun award from a local radio station. They do a Working Mother of the Week, and in mid-March, that was me! I even had an on-air interview. Course, I was so distracted by the guy's crazy radio voice when he called that it wasn't until halfway through that I realized he was using his I'M TOTALLY EXCITED radio voice because he was recording our conversation...for the radio. Oh well. Thank you to Stacy, my amazing co-worker and friend, for thinking of me and writing such a nice nomination letter...even though I did kinda sound like a dork on the radio.

Last month, we turned Nora's car seat around. Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but it has allowed me to do something that I haven't done in almost 5 years -- ride in the front passenger seat of the van on trips. The way it always worked on longer trips is that I sat in the back with Owen...and when Nora came along, she and I sat in the third-row. They spent their first year and a half or so riding rear-facing, and I rode in back so I could see them and keep them entertained. But with Nora facing forward, there's no reason for me to stay secluded in the back. I can simply turn around in my seat to offer both her and Owen crackers, books, name it (but oy, the neck cramps). It's weird. Jon and I actually get to have conversations while driving again.

Owen no longer wears a pull-up at night. That started around his 5th birthday, when he asserted that he was old enough to just wear underwear. It's still not 100%, er, successful, but most of the time it's just fine. And it resulted in a funny new saying around here. We once told him he could "go commando" for bed, so when he woke up the next morning, he informed me that he had a "dry commando." He also sometimes "wears a commando," or has a "wet commando." I tried explaining the finer details of the term, but it seems lost on a 5-year-old.

Wow, is that really all that has been going on? Maybe I'll just end with a few cute pictures of the kids and leave it at that. Until next time!

Nora in her new Girls Rock t-shirt. (Check out
the new documentary!)

Owen finding a quiet respite at Trivia


Stacy said...

You need a matching Girls Rock shirt so you girls can take a picture together. Totally cute!

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Amy said...

But how did you DO in trivia?

The commando part had me laughing.