Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Furgit About It

I swear, I am losing my mind. OK, not really, but I sure am losing track of A LOT of things lately. Is there too much going on? Am I not getting enough sleep? Is it a post-35 brain cell exodus and the calendar-keeping ones are the first ones to say "ciao"?

For instance:
Last week, Jon was working late and at 6:00, Owen, Nora and I were sitting down to supper when the phone rang. It was Owen's school -- I'd forgotten to pick up my items from the PTA fund-raiser and could I please get down there before 6:30? At first I was pissed that they didn't just offer to hold them until the next day...especially considering it meant I had to quickly finish supper and pack both kids into the car...but 20 minutes later when I picked up my box I remembered, oh yah, they're frozen pizzas! That's why they couldn't hold them.

When Nora was sick last week and I spent the afternoon at home with her, I knew it meant canceling my 1:00 dentist appointment, but I completely forgot to do so until about an hour AFTER my appointment.

On Monday, I was in a meeting with my boss when he mentioned the Brewers game that night, which is when I suddenly remembered that Jon and Owen were scheduled to go to that game. So I dialed up Jon, thinking he'd forgotten, too. Oh no, he remembered. It was just me. It was even written on our new family calendar that's supposed to help us keep track of such things.

And tonight I almost forgot about my salon appointment. It wasn't until I was walking by the salon -- which, luckily, is at the end of our block -- on the way to the park with the kids that I remembered. Then, when I arrived 5 minutes later (on time, I thought), they informed me that my appointment had been at 5:45 YESTERDAY.

We also had do a late in-person registration for Owen's t-ball league this summer because I didn't look at the deadline (who would have thunk, an April deadline for a June league!?). And I have a sneaking suspicion that I may have missed my every-4-months rheumatology appointment. Maybe it was last week, maybe yesterday. I think my appointments usually are on Tuesdays. Who knows?

Ah hell, I guess I'll find out one of these days...when I remember to call about it.


Slomack said...

I think you just have a lot on your plate right now (hell, I'm tired just reading about all of your appointments!). But it does make for comical blogging...and you know the rules, if it's Komedy, it's A-OK.

On a side note, my "oh my God am I getting old" concern is language...I've been having trouble finding words I want to use lately. Thankfully not stuff like knife or pencil--YET--but words that I know full well have been and ARE in my vocabulary, but I just can't put my finger on them. Very frustrating.

I'm imagining a conversation like this between the two of us in the future...

Me: So thanks for the gift you sent me.
You: Gift? What did I send you? And why did I send it to you?
Me: It was my birthday. It was one of those things, you know, with the numbers...
You: A calculator?
Me: has pictures on it too, what is that thing called...
You: A scrapbook?
Me: No, no, write things on it...
You: A whiteboard?
Me (getting more frustrated):'s got, you know...dates on it and stuff...
You: Oh, a calendar?
Me (relieved, yet sheepish): Yes, that's it a calendar--it's really pretty.
You: Oh crap, I just remembered I forgot that I had to be at the airport to pick Jon up an hour ago...bye....

Hettie said...

OMG, this totally made me laugh out loud!! Sophie and Gertrude have lost their marbles!