Tuesday, April 28, 2009

bob loblaw

Mostly random happenings, musings and such. (In other words, blah, blah, blah...)

-The other day when we pulled in the driveway after school/work, Owen leaped out of the back seat and exclaimed, "Look, the dandelions are back!" Nothing like youthful enthusiasm to put a positive spin on weeds. Yesterday, he and Nora brought in a bouquet of lawn grass and some unidentified weed. 

-After an almost 3-year hiatus, I am wearing my own wedding ring again. I had to have it cut off when Nora was about a month old because I decided to try to force it back onto my pregnancy-swollen finger, which promptly began turning purple. Not sure why it took this long to get it fixed (well, I have reasons, but none of them are good). For all this time I've been wearing a combo of my engagement ring and my grandmother's wedding band. I'm happy to be matching my hubby's ring again. Feels right.

- Nora has taken to wearing a pair of turquoise, plastic, 1/2-inch heeled Ariel slippers. She's in the midst of a princess phase and was understandably excited when I fished these "shoes" out of a bag of hand-me-downs. Oh, and the heels light up with every step. They're like her dream shoes right now.

-I got a promotion about 2 months ago,  have I mentioned that? I'm now the executive editor for my magazine group and oversee about four different magazines. It was time for a change after almost nine years with the same magazine. It's still scary though.

- We had one of our dear cats, Tilly, put to sleep a few weeks ago. She'd been diagnosed with cancer, so it was only a matter of time. It's crazy to think about how many changes she went through with me. I'd lived with her for almost 16 years. She showed up at my college workplace -- a movie theater -- as a kitten and my roommate and I took her in and that was that. Sometime, she really deserves her own post...

- I'm once again contemplating bangs. Seems to be an annual ritual: Consider. Blog.b Decide against it.

- The spring planting season snuck up on me again. I know this because the peony sprouts have gotten too tall for me to use the grow-through supports I have for them. It just happens so fast. One day it's cold and everything is brown and before you know it it's still cold but everything is green. Ah, spring in Wisconsin :)

- I've been watching a weird mix of new TV shows lately. Somehow I've gotten sucked into Castle (which Jon calls "Cancelled") and Cupid.


Slomack said...

Yay for your wedding ring! And yay for the princess stage...I have some birthday shopping to do!!

Kristin said...

Found your blog from Snarky Mommy - love it already!

Cupid is still on? I saw one episode and thought it was cute but I figured it probably wouldn't make it. What channel? ABC? NBC? CBS? Obviously I wasn't paying attention to that detail when I was watching it.

I have been able to wear my wedding band for a couple weeks now and tried several times to wear my engagement ring as well. But the post pregnancy hands just aren't having it. For the last week I have been wearing just my engagement ring, which I haven't had on since the middle of my second trimester. I am so looking forward to the day when I can wear both my rings again.

Amy said...

Congrats on the promotion! That is awesome.

Princess shoes: another thing to add to the list of "never showing Emmie EVER" for fear she will love them with all her heart and insist on wearing them everywhere.